We’re celebrating our 20th birthday in business. It’s been 5 years since the last “about me” with Richard Lewis, our Account Manager. Read his last blog here

We thought it was about time to catch up with those that have changed roles and mixed up their lifestyles!

Where are you now
“5 years ago I was a CAD technician but am now an Account Manager having changed roles about 4 years go! I have worked with lots of our customers over the years and enjoy seeing the different ideas and furniture they require for their individual market sectors”.

What do you do in your spare time?
“I am a fair weather outdoor man! I love getting out walking; with the family if I can persuade them, otherwise I can always rely on the dog. We bought a tent at the end of last year so had 1 very wet and cold use out of it in October so I’m going to drag them out a few times in it this year”.

Who are you most inspired by and why?
“I now have a 1 year old and he inspires me every day! I think at such a young age they learn so much so quickly its incredible to watch. He is obsessed with books which is great because I always hated reading, so in a world full of phones and tablets this is great to see”.

If you could give any advice to anybody who’s starting work at the age you did, what would it be?
“Save your pension hard from an early age so you can leave work as early as possible so you don’t retire right before your inevitable death”.

This or that:
1. Cars or Motorbikes
2. Films or Music
3. Talking pets or talking babies
4. Broccoli or green beans
5. Silly hats or silly socks
6. Loud neighbours or nosey neighbours
7. Theme Park or Water Park
8. Spend your money or save your money
9. Watching sports or playing sports
10. Shopping in-store or online?

Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
“150 years”

Would you rather run at 100 mph or fly at 20 mph?
“Fly at 20pmh”

If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be?
“Percy Pigs”

Would you rather spend the weekend with pirates or ninjas?

Thanks for the catch up Richard – see you in the next 5 years!

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