Meet The Team: Richard Lewis, CAD Designer

We’re proud to have a workforce of loyal employees at Retail Furniture. Some of the team have been with us for over 10 years and a few since we first started out! Therefore to celebrate the different personalities and skill sets that make up our team, each month we’ll be putting the spotlight on one of our employees so you can get to know us better. To get things started, we’ve nominated our CAD Technician, Richard Lewis.

Richard is one of the talented CAD technicians who make up our in-house design team. These are the creative brains who develop the product concepts in line with our clients’ needs. Richard uses his technical super powers to create both 2D surface models and 3D solid models that our factory team then use as the basis for creating our products.

Richard is a local, born and bred in Telford, Shropshire and has been part of the Retail Furniture family for 2.5 years. Outside of the workplace, Richard has a keen interest in live music and enjoys travelling to see his favourite bands perform.

Although the design world nearly missed out on Richard’s talents, he had his heart set on becoming a grass cutter! Thankfully for us, he changed his mind.

To finish things up, get to know Richard a little better with our quick-fire questions…

What 3 things would you take with you on a desert island?
“My phone plus speakers and a crate of beer!”

If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?
“I’d want to be able to stop time like Bernard’s Watch.”

My favourite thing about working at Retail Furniture is…
“The banter; there’s never a dull moment! So, the team would also play a large part in that too”

In conclusion, stay tuned for another employee profile next month!

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We hope you enjoyed reading about our Meet the team with Richard Lewis – read our next blog here

New blog on Richard here

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