Office Furniture – Post Covid World

We’re planning for the future 💡 the question is…are you?

The transition process into a post #covid-19 world has started and it’s safe to say…there are reservations as to how offices will cope with high levels of engagement again.

Some will continue to work from home whilst others need the facilities which only on-site locations can provide. Rather than worrying if the coffee round will continue, everybody should be thinking about the changes that will need to be put in place going forward.

Word on the street is that the new trend, due to covid-19, are open space offices with hot spot furniture which means no more crowded printer stations and corridor catch ups!

As appose to the normal 9 to 5 structure, working with your team collectively will change, especially as we are all exposed to the risks which Covid has bought upon us.

The trend of an open office space and sophisticated designs with the best, most effective hygienic solutions will become more appealing to companies with flexible working, staff arrangements.

Keeping staff safe is a vital aspect of returning to work. As people start to drip feed back in, general awareness for bacteria prevention will increase.

Upon returning back to the office there will have to be procedures and protocols to consider when interacting in either a small or large working space:

• 2m space
• Anti-Bacterial solution
• Touching door handles
• Office supplies

Over the past 12 months working from home has become a luxury for some with others feeling the pressure of isolation, limited access to work materials and comfortable stations.

Some might say that having the opportunity to choose the type of working lifestyle will be easier, i.e.; working from home vs office situated part time.

Introducing PU Edging – what/how/where

This is where our company, Retail Furniture steps in…we are one of only several retail furniture manufacturers who specialise in PU (Polyurethane) Edging and we have 30 years’ experience under our belts.

PU edging is a highly durable, resistant edging solution.

PU edges are invaluable for use in sectors where hygiene is of the utmost importance, and environments with a high-level footfall. A hermetical seal is created between the PU edge and core material to stop bacteria becoming trapped.

Subsequently, it is expected even more so in the post Covid world that there will be a high demand for PU Edging.

PU edging is also popular with our clients due to its versatility. It can be produced in almost any shape or profile to suit your requirements.

The edges can be made in contrasting colours to the surfaces of your pieces, which is ideal if you would like your furniture to match your brand’s signature colours or highlight new “hot spot” desk areas.

There are a multitude of colours to choose from with swatches from both the RAL and Pantone colour charts available.

To produce PU edges, our skilled tool makers create a mould from our CAD drawing and from there a liner can be cast inside the mould. We then place the core material within the liner and polyurethane is injected between the liner and core material.

So, you’re probably wondering how else can Retail Furniture work with you to create a brand-new office space…see below:

• Bespoke desk spaces
• Meeting room desks
• Pod areas for office socialising
• Printer stations

If you want to discuss in more detail about our services and how we can work with you call 01952 587277 or email:

You can find us on LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram and so get social with us!