Meet the team: Alex Yorke, Trainee Account Manager

Our youngest recruit in the office Alex Yorke joined Retail Furniture in January 2020, prior to the disastrous Covid-19 pandemic. At the bright young age of 19, Telford born Alex joined the company as a Trainee Account Manager and since then has blossomed taking the job in his stride, progressing triumphantly every day.

His day-to-day tasks include breaking down client jobs, providing accurate product pricing and most importantly project managing existing and new clients. Ensuring jobs are running smoothly at all times.

Within his personal time Alex enjoys coaching under 13’s football, watching football and playing golf at the local Golf Club in Telford. His pride and joy is his Mercedes, he always seems to be doing something to it…or fixing it! Whilst unwinding after a long day Alex loves nothing more than watching a Netflix series, anything from Action to a spot of dramatised history in the Crown – after all we are in a pandemic! Nothing much to do!

Let’s round things off with our quick-fire questions…

If you could travel to any country where would you go taking one essential item only?
“I would like to go to Dubai taking only my phone (passport already included for obvious reasons). I can buy everything else out there!”

If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?
“Be able to fly, I could travel for free and go anywhere in the world at my own demand!”

My favourite thing about working at Retail Furniture is…
“The daily communication with different clients, providing them with my support and the office banter – amongst the work there’s great discussions and always something to laugh about”

During the year Alex has also unconsciously nominated himself as “lunch guy” who goes to Tesco’s or Greggs with a list from the office scanning the shelves for sausage rolls and bags of crisps!

Would you like to know more about 2021, check out our next blog

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