Marie Curie. The Great Daffodil Appeal

Throughout March, we have supported the charity Marie Curie. We have raised money by participating in Marie Curie, The Great Daffodil Appeal 2021. Marie Curie is the UK’s leading end of life charity from patient’s diagnosis to their very last day.

Over the past 18 months donations and raising awareness via The Great Daffodil appeal has meant more to Marie Curie than ever before.

The nurses have been front line of the Covid-19 pandemic providing phenomenal care for those suffering but also supporting loved ones.

Retail Furniture

In total we have raised £185 for Marie Curie using Just Giving. It would have been great to raise funds outside of the work place, joining in on local activities whilst also setting personal achievements, such as marathon running, swimming galas etc.

We’re still working from the office and factory (following safe Covid-19 measures). We did a “Swear Jar” which was a huge hit. Call it controversial but the jar actually came into great use, it bought a distraction away from conversation topics in the office. Nevertheless, it’s safe to say the jar was not missed!

One of the ones thought to be fun was a Bake Off/Cake Sale. Staff would put themselves forward to anonymously bake a cake of their choice. Bakes would then be presented to chosen judges and the winner would receive a prize.

Due to hygiene restrictions we have postponed this until later on in the year with donations still being made to Marie Curie.

In March we also proudly displayed the Marie Curie sign beside the company logo on the outside of the building, showing our appreciation and support.

Future Event
The Bake Sale will take place in Summer 2021. Stay tuned as Retail Furniture will feature the outcome on social media!

You can find us on LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram and so get social with us!

Marie Curie sign beside Retail Furniture company logo