Meet the team – Mark Masters, Production Manager

We’re focusing our attention and meeting another team member Mark Masters, our brilliant team Production Manager.

After only being asked to help out for a few months, Mark has worked at Retail Furniture now for 17 years! His dedication and hard work ethos paid off as he is now the manager to 30 staff members in the factory and production office.

After digging a little deeper we learnt that his employment journey has gone full circle but his background hasn’t always been in manufacturing… Kick starting his career as an Apprentice Joiner at a local manufacturing company in Telford, Mark also took on the role of PU Supervisor. He then went on to work as a Lab Technician, swiftly followed by becoming a licensee holder of a local Pub. At which point he was scouted by our Managing Director to come and help out at Retail Furniture. The rest is history!

Besides being at work Mark enjoys going to the gym, watching the latest movies, going to nice restaurants but most importantly spending time with family and friends.

Moving swiftly on, we asked Mark some quick-fire round questions – see below for some revealing answers!

Who inspires you and why?
“My parents had a great work ethic and did whatever they had to do to provide for the family. This gives me the drive to do the same for my family. Most importantly my eldest son has Dyspraxia so when he went to school it was hard for all of us. Watching him do his best and improve in motor skills that aren’t natural to him but are to others is very inspiring”

If you had a time machine, would you go into the past or fast forward into the future?
“I’d travel into the past however; I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to place a few bets on sporting events in the future!”

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
“Believe it or not, I’m actually a happy person”

Alive or dead – which 5 people would you have round for dinner?

  1. Kurt Cobain
  2. Alan Shearer
  3. David Haye
  4. Liam Gallagher
  5. Marilyn Monroe

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