A quick yearly round up of 2016

2016 has been an incredibly exciting year for Retail Furniture! We want to share with you what we have been up to throughout the year so here are some of our highlights from the last 12 months…

  • New business… We’re pleased to have welcomed BookSpace as a new client, who design and fit out reading areas and libraries in primary schools. Their adventurous designs and vibrant colours certainly stand out when their being manufactured
  • Exciting projects… We’ve done a lot of work for the flooring trade throughout 2016. We’ve manufactured pieces for Furlong Flooring, ACG, Penthouse Carpets and TCS, creating eye-catching display stands for their retail stores. If you happen to see any, take a picture and send it over to us at sales@retailfurniture.net
  • New additions… There are some new faces in the Retail Furniture team! CAD Designer, Rudy Beckford, and CNC Programmer, Aaron Enderby, have joined us this year and bring with them a wealth of experience. We’re looking forward to working with them.
  • We’ve gone digital… In October, we had a real push on our digital presence, launching our brand new website and social media channels (you can now find us on LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram, https://www.youtube.com/@RetailFurnitureLtd so get social with us!). We’re seeing an increase in enquiries from both our website and social channels that we plan to build on in the coming months.

There are certainly more exciting times ahead and we can’t wait to see what 2017 will bring.

You can find us on LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram and https://www.youtube.com/@RetailFurnitureLtd so get social with us!