During the past 6 months Retail Furniture have been working on an exciting, independent convenience store transformation.

When working on either small or large projects we always monitor our clients jobs in-house with extreme attention to detail from start to finish.

Our fantastic, highly skilled joinery team have worked solidly on manufacturing the convenience store furniture to ensure that this large, specialised project was complete within the clients transformation time frame.

Prior to the official opening of The Barnes Pantry on Saturday 8th May 2021, Alex Yorke, the designated account manager for this specific job and Maddie Hodge in Marketing took a visit to the store, Barnes – London.

It’s always important for us to build strong relationships with our clients and provide continuous support throughout the project, from start to finish.

We really wanted to document the journey process with The Barnes Pantry and ask them questions based on the relationship formed with Retail Furniture.

We met with Preeti, a member of The Barnes Pantry and asked her a few questions! See below for the inside scoop!


I’m Preeti, one of the members of the family in this family run business. I do everything back office related and my brother, Sonny, runs the show at the shop front.

I left my corporate job 2 years ago to join the business and project manage this refit & rebrand. The project has been a bit of everything, from working with a designer to determine our brand to going to a timber barn to choose what wood we wanted and exactly how we wanted our furniture to be made!

How did you come to work with Retail Furniture? And how long have you been in connection with our Account Manager – Alex Yorke
I came to working with Retail Furniture through our fitting company, Jordan’s. Mike, our refit manager at Jordan’s, introduced me to Alex at Retail Furniture.

I’ve been working directly with Alex for over 3 months now. I couldn’t recommend Mike & Alex enough! They have both been AMAZING at making our vision become a reality!

What made you choose reclaimed timber as your statement furniture look?
We picked reclaimed timber for a number of reasons. Firstly, sustainability, the wood that Encore Reclamation supplies is taken from churches, scaffolding companies, floorboards, roof boards! So basically we are recycling / upcycling used wood.

The wood we used in our shop is a mix of old scaffolding boards and Canadian pine roof boards.

Convenience store, reclaimed timber

Secondly, when Mike showed us photos of finished MDF, it just wasn’t working for us. He suggested reclaimed timber and when we went to the timber barn we were blown away.

Convenience store, reclaimed timber

There are not many convenience stores that use raw timber but we thought that there was something so raw, earthy and beautiful about it.

3 words to describe your store

Unique (not your average convenience store in look & product range), Welcoming & Committed

How have you found the overall process working with Retail Furniture?

We have found the entire process of working with Retail Furniture an absolute joy! Alex our contact has been amazing at keeping us in the loop with each stage of the process and engaging us for our opinions where they were required.

We even went to their warehouse and saw some of our furniture being made. This was an awesome experience. Overall we are extremely happy with the service from Retail Furniture and we definitely will be using them for our next project!

We are proud to have now added The Barnes Pantry to our Client page! – check out the other large brands we have worked with over the years.

You can find us on LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram and https://www.youtube.com/@RetailFurnitureLtd so get social with us!

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